Evan Cunningham

My primary research interest is studying the endocrinological mechanisms underlying social behaviors, with particular attention to how these hormonal building blocks enable behavioral flexibility across different species and socioecological conditions. I will be working with wild capuchins at the Taboga field site in Costa Rica as well as captive capuchins at GSU’s Language Research Center to understand the behavioral endocrinology of social learning. Furthermore, I’m interested in applying evolutionary biology to understand how organisms, particularly social, group-living generalist species, are adapting to changing anthropogenic habitats. Finally, I am also dedicated to integrating critical theory from feminist/queer science and technology studies (STS) with evolutionary theory to imagine new frameworks and methodologies of scientific study.  

Prior to graduate school, I completed a B.A. in Human Biology with a concentration in global public health at Stanford University. Subsequently, I worked as a Course Associate for the Human Biology program, taught Biology at The Bay School in San Francisco, and completed field work at a Durham University field site in Limpopo, South Africa where I conducted a study on chacma baboon sleep sites in an anthropogenic environment.  

General interests:  

  • Play, grooming, sexual, and learning behaviors  
  • Behavioral endocrinology  
  • Urban ecology  
  • Public science  
  • Science teaching & communication