Nicole Furgala

I am broadly interested in the evolutionary origins of social cognition and Theory of Mind using interdisciplinary methods in evolutionary anthropology and comparative psychology. Using behavioral experiments and eye tracking technology, I am investigating the perspective-taking capacities of captive tufted capuchin monkeys at the Language Research Center (GSU). By translating experiments into the wild, I […]

Giuliana Centofanti

I am interested in sociality and development in wild chimpanzees, specifically within the mother-infant context. During my graduate studies, I plan to study orphan outcomes and adoption as part of a larger project on sociality and variation in development. I am particularly interested in quantifying outcomes of development by directly and indirectly measuring fitness. Creating […]

Bre Myers

I’m interested in behavioral strategies that may influence infection risk or severity of disease in African great apes, such as avoiding other individuals or groups, avoiding contaminants, and ingestion of plants or other substances that mitigate the risk and/or symptoms of infection. I would like to explore this through the lens of life history and […]

Amber Shaw

Amber Shaw is a PhD student in the Department of Anthropology at Emory University, specializing in biological anthropology with a focus on aging and disease prevention. Her interdisciplinary research bridges behavioral science and molecular biology, utilizing non-invasive techniques and biomarkers to investigate aging in wild chimpanzee populations at Gombe Stream National Park. Amber’s work explores […]